Atomic Transfer

All platform transactions are carried out through Atomic Transfer involving the various stakeholders.

Here is an example of the application:

//Transaction 1 : payment to platform
    $transactions = array();
    $transactions[] = array(
        "txn" => array(
            "aamt" => $platformFee,
            "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
            "fee" => 1000, //Fee
//Transaction 2 : payment to hotspot owner
    $transactions[] = array(
        "txn" => array(
            "aamt" => $hotspotFee,
            "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
            "fee" => 1000, //Fee
//Transaction 3 : payment to reserve address
    $transactions[] = array(
        "txn" => array(
            "aamt" => $reserveFee,
            "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
            "fee" => 1000, //Fee
// 2) Group TRansactions
    $groupid = $algorand_kmd->groupid($transactions);
    #Assigns Group ID
    $transactions[0]['txn']['grp'] = $groupid;
    $transactions[1]['txn']['grp'] = $groupid;
    $transactions[2]['txn']['grp'] = $groupid;
//4) Send Transaction Group
    #Broadcasts a raw atomic transaction to the network.
    $params['transaction'] = $txn;
    $return = $algorand->post("v2", "transactions", $params);
    $txId = $return['response']->txId;

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